A journey back to God
When you ask God to change your life, this can have dramatic effects that you don't expect.
This book is about God answering this prayer for me. He did not answer it the way I expected. He did not answer it when I wanted. God took His time to change me as He wanted to.
In changing my life God waited for me to have a fatal accident and then bring me back to life. In the process, God sorted out a lot of the kinks that were in my life that kept me away from Him.
God was not trying to get in line with me or to find ways of agreeing with me. Rather, He was patiently waiting for me to get in line with His will and to get into a position where I was agreeing with Him. When I was ready for my life to be changed His way I was then in a position where He could answer my prayer.
When God said “...and by His wounds we are healed.” He meant it and so He also made a declaration — that His word will not return to Him empty, but will accomplish what He desires and achieve the purpose for which He sent it.
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